2ilivoq ilivoĸ
does; develops; behaves.
ilivaa goes about it; manages it. Is only used with the additions qanoq, ima, taima, sordlo and -tut or som
qanoq ilimmat tikippisi at what hour did you arrive?
qanoq ilisukkut aallassavisi at what hour are you going?
amissat qanoq ilippat how goes it with the boatskins?
qanoq ilillutit qaqivit how did you manage to get up?
imaalillugu sanassavat you should make it in that way.
tamakkua taamaalisut kingornatigut these con­ditions having developed in that manner.
utoqqartut ilivoq behaves like an old person.
immikkut ilivoq changes (his manner, appearance or the like).
immikkut ilisippaa changes him or it.